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Landing Page Writing for Cattledog Construction

Landing Page Writing for Cattledog Construction x Travis Knight

Cattledog Construction is a small builder from Kitsap County who provides high-quality builds and strives for a sustainable future by implementing revolutionary business models. For this client, I provided my quality landing page writing: a Meet-the-Crew page and an About page.

The Meet-the-Crew page covers the experience, passions, and out-of-work interests of this small crew of craftsmen. The About page was super fun to write, as I was able to write about their goal to shift the industry into a future of sustainability. I learned a lot about the unfortunate reality of where building materials originate and how their production fuels atrocities such as environmental damage and human rights violations. Writing for something a writer can fully stand behind is the dream of every job, and that’s what this job was.

Check out my landing page writing for Cattledog Construction by navigating to the Meet-the-Crew and About pages.

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